William (Billy) Brown


William (Billy) Brown
Given Name
Family Name
Alternate Name
Manual Labor
"...Some time since about the year 1814 he purchased himself form his master who was about to remove out of this State. He was induced so to do chiefly on account of his family who could not be carried with his master because they belonged to others who were unwilling to sell them. Your Petitioner has since resided in this state as the
property of a gentleman who lent him a part of the money which he paid for himself. Since which time he has returned the money advanced and now resides in the County of Prince Edward."
Place of Significance
Hampden-Sydney College

Linked resources

Items with "Primary Participant: William (Billy) Brown"
Title Class
Petition for permission to remain in the Commonwealth, 1824-12-07 Event
Petition for permission to remain in the Commonwealth, 1825-12-14 Event
Items with "Petitioner: William (Billy) Brown"
Title Class
Petition for permission to remain in the Commonwealth, 1824-12-07 Event
Petition for permission to remain in the Commonwealth, 1825-12-14 Event